Friday, October 28, 2011

What is the Short List?

Are you sick and tired of the hype? I know that I am. Every time you turn around, there’s another program that promises a six figure income in months, if not weeks. Are you tired of the standard offer of thousands worth of product for 97 dollars, 47 dollars, or less?  This exhaustion with trying to sort out the real offers from the money sucking ordeals that I have bought into more than once is the inspiration behind this blog.

The intent of this blog is to review the good, the bad and the ugly for you. I am not an expert, I don’t want to sell you anything and more importantly I won’t rip you off. Im not even asking you to leave your email! When was that last time you got information without signing up to receive junk mail?

What has gotten to me so many times is the scripted sales person that calls at the most inconvenient times. Dinner is a popular time for them. (How do they always seem to know I’m eating?)

Everything that I am telling you doesn’t cost you a dime. Now, some of the programs you do have to pay for. Wheat you’re getting from this blog are recommendations for programs and methods that work. I’ve paid, and I’m tired of getting taken. If writing this blog helps save someone else some money, I feel good. If the writing saaves someone money and ends up making them money – that’s even better.

Anyways, I’m not rich but I’m earning money. I’m not to the six-figure level yet, but I’m getting there. (Ambition is a good thing.) I have enrolled in at least one “47 dollar system” that ended up costing in the range of 350 dollars.  I’m tired of buying into something that only succeeds in draining my wallet.

Affiliate programs work, but they take time and effort. There are a couple I recommend. These ones make the short list because they have made me money. Some more than others, but they have made money.

The first Affiliate program I would suggest will appeal to all of the Social Network Marketers out there. It is TweetAdder. They pay a very generous commission for marketing their software. One reason I have no problem recommending their software is that I use it, and it works pretty well. They offer free lifetime updates, which is pretty rare for any software company.

I mentioned that I use this software and it has done great things for Mystery Bay Marine's twitter following. On August 1st, 2011, we had almost 2100 followers. As of October 29th, 2011 we have nearly 8800. So, long story short we reccomend this software for two reasons. Number one: The software does what it promised. Number two: The Affiliate program does pay a generous commission.

So, to sign up for the affiliate program click on the banner below and then the affiliate tab on the top. Finally, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click “Yes, I want to sign up.” Again, I will say it does take time, but it does work. It does pay off over time.

So, keep coming back for more updates. There will be more recommended programs as I have time to write about them.

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